Personal Injury Law
Call Now: 516-747-2200
Personal Injury
The Personal Injury attorneys of the Law Offices of Mark E. Alter have successfully represented injured individuals and families involved in all types of accident cases resulting in personal injury or wrongful death, recovering millions of dollars for over 2 decades for our clients, quite often, in record time.
Selecting the right Personal Injury Lawyer to represent you or your loved one is the most critical decision you need to make at this time. Notably, Mr. Alter has been rated by and named to the prestigious SUPERLAWYERS list in 2013, 2014 and again in 2015, three (3) years in a row, specifically in the field of Personal Injury litigation. It is important that you hire a lawyer right away, because while you are injured and recuperating, the insurance company is building a defense, interviewing witnesses and already affecting your rights. Once the insurance company knows that you have a lawyer, they cannot question you and their ability to prepare a defense significantly changes. You need to hire a law firm that will protect your interests while actively pursuing any and all claims you may have. We will investigate your case thoroughly and advise you of every possible option to help you. Our firm has earned the reputation to be a team of aggressive experienced attorneys who relentlessly pursue insurance companies on behalf of our clients. We do not accept delay tactics. Our aggression and tenacity is what allows our firm to get the best legal outcome in your case and obtain the maximum recovery available as soon as possible. You and your loved ones need help now, not in 5 years from now. From the beginning of your case we promise to work diligently up through the end, making sure that you get all the money you deserve under the law.
We also take great pride in our work ethics and our commitment to giving each client prompt personal attention. Each phone call and every question is responded to promptly and your questions answered by one of our experienced and skilled personal injury attorneys. From a minor car accident to a catastrophic injury, each victim will be treated with the highest of care.
We are here to provide answers 24/7 for all accidents victims, pedestrian, drivers, passengers involved in all types of accidents such as automobile accidents, slip and fall accidents, construction accidents, and motorcycle accidents. We represent victims who suffer all types of injuries including brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, fatalities, wrongful deaths and many other types of injuries as well as soft tissue and minor fractures. We do not charge you any attorneys fees unless we recover compensation for you. We have built a reputation amongst insurance companies as being no-nonsense lawyers who insist that claims be paid promptly. We have not only recovered millions of dollars for our clients but in many instances, our cases are resolved in months, not years.
Skilled and highly aggressive legal representation from an established Garden City Law firm is a phone call away. Call us at 516-747-2200 to schedule your free initial consultation. We look forward to discussing your case.
Call us for a free case evaluation and consultation with no obligation.
Call now and speak to an experienced attorney 24/7 (516) 747-2200